Why Choose Serverless Computing for B2B Software Companies?

Why Choose Serverless Computing for B2B Software Companies?

In recent years, serverless computing has emerged as one of the most popular trends for B2B software companies. That’s mainly down to its promise of scalability, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness, which has made serverless computing an attractive option for businesses that are looking to streamline their operations and stay ahead of their competition.

If you have always wondered why B2B software companies end up choosing serverless computing, we will be discussing all that in great detail. Read on to learn more.

What is Serverless Computing?

If you want to define serverless computing for a layman, it is essentially a model of cloud computing that has its entire infrastructure managed by its cloud provider, and the allocation of resources is done automatically. The great thing about this model is that the only thing the developers have to concern themselves with is writing the code, serverless node, and everything else will be managed by the cloud provider.

That is what essentially allows developers to focus all their attention on the code and it means that they don’t have to worry about dealing with operational issues, scaling the infrastructure, or managing the servers.

How Does Serverless Computing Work?

We have already discussed what is serverless computing above, but most people still won’t know how it actually works. To put it simply, serverless computing is a distinct model of cloud computing where developers don’t have to worry about the underlying infrastructure and only have to focus on writing and deploying the code. In traditional computer models, most developers must manage the storage, servers, and resources.

What makes serverless computing so great is that it gives complete freedom to the developers, especially when they are using Node.js apps. To prove to you how that works, here is how serverless computing works for developers:

● Developers write code

Developers can choose whatever code they want to write in the serverless framework, while the rest is handled by the cloud provider.

● Code is packaged and uploaded

Once that is done, the code is going to be packaged and then deployed and uploaded to the serverless platform of the cloud provider.

● Cloud provider manages infrastructure

The infrastructure will then be managed by the cloud provider so that the code runs, like the storage, networking, and servers. The scaling will be handled by the cloud provider, and the resources will be allocated automatically as required so that there are no problems with the code.

● Code is executed

When users click a button or there is an API request, it will trigger the code, and the cloud provider will then execute the code to return the response.

● Billing is based on usage

The cloud provider will then bill the developer based on how many resources have been used in the execution of the code, like the memory usage, and compute time.

● Developer monitors and debugs code

The developers and monitor and debug the code by using the tools of the cloud provider, like metrics and logs, so that everything runs smoothly.

In general, serverless computing offers a simple yet cost-effect method for developers to build and deploy applications without worrying about managing the infrastructure of the serverless package. All the backend work will be handled by the cloud provider, and this will allow the developers to focus on writing their code, and delivering value to their customers.

Why Choose Serverless Computing?

Now that we know a little bit about serverless computing, let’s discuss the most important factors that indicate why you should choose serverless computing. These include the following:

1. Scalability

Scalability is one of the biggest advantages of serverless computing, which is why it is so popular. In a traditional infrastructure, it takes a lot of time, effort and resources to scale up or down. In comparison, serverless computing ensures that businesses can easily scale their applications.

In serverless architectures, the cloud providers will manage the resources and allocate them to a serverless web-pack as required. That allows businesses to scale up their applications quickly when there is peak demand, and, conversely scale down the application when there is less demand.

2. Cost-Effectiveness

Cost-effectiveness is another great benefit of serverless computing. In traditional infrastructures, businesses must pay for the storage, resources, and servers even when they are not in use. However, in serverless computing, businesses are only charged for the resources they have used.

It’s basically a pay-per-use model, which drastically cuts down the costs of running applications. In additional when resources are allocated automatically it allows businesses to not worry about overprovisioning the infrastructure.

3. Faster Time to Market

Businesses are able to develop and deploy their applications at a much faster rate with serverless computing. That’s because developers don’t have to deal with infrastructure management and can write to deliver new features. It’s a great bonus to businesses since this means they can market their applications at a faster rate, and stay ahead of their completion.

4. Reduced Operational Complexity

Smaller businesses don’t have the time or the resources to manage the infrastructure, which is not only a complex but a time-consuming process. Serverless computing doesn’t require businesses to manage their infrastructure, which frees up resources and reduces operational complexity, allowing greater focus on core business operations.

5. Greater Flexibility

There is also greater flexibility afforded by serverless computing, as businesses can deploy their operations in different regions and scale up and down as required. The flexibility afforded to businesses can be highly useful as they can easily expand into new markets or deal with unpredictable demand patterns.


Serverless computing is a cloud computing model that is innovative and offers a ton of great benefits to businesses of all sizes, especially B2B software companies. It allows businesses to save time, money, and resources by ensuring they don’t have to deal with infrastructure management. Conversely, node.js developers can focus on writing code, delivering value to customers, and deploying applications faster.

Businesses also don’t have to pay for resources they don’t use, which cuts down on their costs, and they can take advantage of scalability and greater flexibility. That makes it an exceptional choice for B2B software development companies, as they can stay of their competition in today’s fast-paced digital landscape.