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All about Ext JS: From Its History to Current Trends

From its origins as an extension of Yahoo UI to its current status as a comprehensive solution for both desktop and mobile development, Ext JS has continually evolved to meet the demands of modern developers.

This article explores the history of Ext JS, tracing its journey from the early days to the latest advancements, and delves into the current trends shaping its future. Whether you’re a developer or a business looking to leverage Ext JS, understanding its evolution and current landscape is crucial.

History of Ext JS

Early Days (2006-2009)


Ext JS, originally conceived as an extension library for the Yahoo User Interface Library (YUI-ext), was created by Jack Slocum in 2006. Its purpose was to enhance YUI with additional components and features that were not available at the time. This early version of Ext JS allowed developers to create more dynamic and feature-rich web applications.

Initial Versions

The initial release, Ext JS 1.x, came out in 2006 and offered basic UI components like grids, forms, and panels. This version quickly gained popularity among developers for its simplicity and ease of use. Following the initial success, Ext JS 2.x was released in 2007, bringing significant improvements in performance and additional features. This version introduced a more refined component model and better support for various browsers, which made it even more appealing to developers.


By 2009, Ext JS had matured into version 3.x, which marked a significant milestone in its development. This version introduced REST communication capabilities, allowing developers to interact with server-side data more efficiently. Additionally, it included charting options, making it easier to create visually appealing data visualizations. One of the key features of Ext JS 3.x was its backwards compatibility with version 2, ensuring a smooth transition for developers upgrading their applications.

Modernization and Divergence (2010-2014)

Performance Focus

In 2011, Ext JS 4.x was released with a strong focus on performance and speed. This version introduced a new Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture, which provided a more organized and scalable way to develop applications. The new architecture separated data, logic, and presentation layers, making the codebase more maintainable and easier to understand. The performance enhancements in Ext JS 4.x allowed developers to build faster and more responsive applications.

Mobile Rise

The rise of mobile devices in the early 2010s led to the creation of Sencha Touch in 2010, a separate framework designed specifically for building mobile applications. Sencha Touch shared a similar codebase with Ext JS but was optimized for touch interactions and mobile performance. This marked a period of divergence in the Ext JS ecosystem, with developers choosing between Ext JS for desktop applications and Sencha Touch for mobile development.

Convergence and Continued Development (2014-Present)

Unified Codebase

A significant step towards convergence occurred in 2014 with the release of Ext JS 5.x. This version merged the Ext JS and Sencha Touch codebases, allowing developers to build applications for both desktop and mobile using a single framework. This unification simplified the development process and reduced the learning curve for developers who needed to create cross-platform applications.

Mobile Focus Continues

Ext JS 6.x, released in 2016, further improved mobile capabilities and performance. This version included enhancements to the Modern Toolkit, which was designed to provide a lightweight and mobile-friendly approach to development. The focus on mobile performance ensured that building applications with Ext JS could deliver a seamless user experience across different devices.

Modern and Classic Toolkits (2018-Present)

In 2018, Ext JS 7.x introduced two distinct toolkits: the Classic Toolkit and the Modern Toolkit. The Classic Toolkit provides a traditional Ext JS experience with familiar components and structure, catering to developers maintaining legacy applications.

On the other hand, the Modern Toolkit offers a more streamlined and mobile-friendly approach, focusing on performance and touch interactions. The latest version, Ext JS 7.8, was released in early 2024, continuing the trend of regular updates and improvements.

Current Trends in Ext JS

Focus on Modern Toolkit

While the Classic Toolkit remains important for maintaining legacy applications, the development focus has shifted towards the Modern Toolkit. This shift aligns with the current web development trends that prioritize mobile-first approaches and responsive design. The Modern Toolkit’s lightweight and touch-friendly components make it an ideal choice for building applications that perform well on both mobile and desktop devices.

Improved Developer Experience

Sencha, the company behind Ext JS, continuously invests in improving the developer experience. Tools like Sencha Cmd and ExtGen are regularly updated to provide a smoother workflow. Sencha Cmd is a powerful command-line tool that automates many tasks involved in building and deploying Ext JS applications. ExtGen, on the other hand, simplifies the project setup process, allowing developers to quickly scaffold new applications with best practices in mind.

Integration with Modern Technologies

Ext JS integrates with popular frameworks and libraries like React and Vue.js, allowing developers to leverage the strengths of both worlds. This integration provides flexibility in choosing the best tools for specific project requirements. For example, developers can use Ext JS components within a React application to take advantage of Ext JS’s rich feature set while benefiting from React’s efficient rendering and state management.

Focus on Security and Performance

In the ever-evolving landscape of web development, security and performance remain paramount. Ext JS regularly receives updates that address security vulnerabilities and optimize performance. These updates ensure that applications built with Ext JS are secure and can handle the demands of modern web users. The commitment to security and performance makes Ext JS a reliable choice for building enterprise-grade applications.

Why Hire Ext JS Developers?

Expertise in Ext JS Development

Hiring Ext JS developers provides access to experts who understand the intricacies of the framework. These developers have experience building complex applications with Ext JS and can leverage its features to create robust and scalable solutions. Whether it’s a new project or maintaining an existing application, Ext JS developers bring valuable skills to the table.

Efficient Development Process

Ext JS developers are familiar with the best practices and tools that streamline the development process. They can set up projects quickly using tools like Sencha Cmd and ExtGen, ensuring that the development process starts on the right foot. Their expertise allows them to write clean, maintainable code that follows the framework’s conventions, reducing the likelihood of issues down the line.

Integration with Modern Technologies

Experienced Ext JS developers know how to integrate the framework with other modern technologies like React and Vue.js. This integration capability allows them to build hybrid applications that combine the strengths of multiple frameworks. By hiring Ext JS developers, businesses can benefit from a flexible development approach that meets their specific needs.

Focus on Performance and Security

Performance and security are critical aspects of any web application. Ext JS developers are well-versed in optimizing applications for speed and responsiveness. They also stay up to date with the latest security practices, ensuring that the applications they build are secure against common threats. This focus on performance and security results in applications that provide a better user experience and are less vulnerable to attacks.

Ext JS Development Services

Custom Application Development

Ext JS development companies offer custom application development services tailored to the unique requirements of businesses. These services include designing, developing, and deploying applications that leverage the full potential of Ext JS. By working with a reputed ext.js development company, businesses can ensure that their applications are built to the highest standards and meet their specific needs.

Maintenance and Support

Maintaining and supporting an Ext JS application requires ongoing effort and expertise. Ext JS development companies provide maintenance and support services to ensure that applications remain up to date and continue to perform well. These services include bug fixing, performance optimization, and regular updates to keep the application secure and efficient.

Migration and Upgradation

As new versions of Ext JS are released, it’s essential to keep applications up to date to take advantage of the latest features and improvements. Ext JS development companies offer migration and upgradation services to help businesses transition to newer versions of the framework. This process involves updating the codebase, testing for compatibility, and ensuring a smooth transition with minimal disruption to the application’s functionality.

Concluding Remarks

The current trends in Ext JS development reflect a focus on the Modern Toolkit, improved developer experience, integration with modern technologies, and a commitment to security and performance. By hiring Ext JS developers or working with an Ext JS development company, businesses can leverage the expertise needed to build robust, scalable, and secure applications.

Whether it’s a new project or maintaining an existing one, Ext JS offers the tools and capabilities to create exceptional web applications that stand the test of time. If you need professional assistance, companies like offer top-notch Ext JS development services to help you achieve your goals.