Full stack development

All You Need to Know About Express.js Framework

Express.js is a free and open-source web application framework rolled out by Node.js. The Express.js framework is used for designing applications quickly and easily, without missing out on any of the important details. Web applications are generally present on the web and are run through a web browser. As Express.js works on JavaScript, it is relatively easy for developers and programmers to build API and web applications on it without putting in any additional effort.

Since Express.js comes from the Node.js family, most of the code and the information pertaining to it is already written on it. Developers working on the code can build a multi-page, single-page or hybrid web application on it. Express.js is lightweight and can be used to organize web apps on the server-side in a more organized manner.

Since Express.js is based on JavaScript, it makes it relatively easier for programmers to make web applications. In this article, we take a look at Express.js and study some of the reasons that make it excellent for developers today. Stay with us to find out all you need to know about the framework.

Features of Express.js

Express.js is fast growing in popularity and is becoming an in-demand development framework for developers. The popularity of the framework can be owed to its features, which include:

Faster Server-Side Development

Perhaps the biggest benefit of Express.js is the fast server-side development speed it offers. Express.js goes above and beyond to provide the best features to customers. Customers can trust the features offered by Express.js and work on them to get ideal results.

The features offered by Express.js can remove the need for coding around the clock and can save some much-needed time for developers.


Express.js comes with a middleware to extend access to all databases. The database within Express.js is accessible through the middleware. The middleware can also grant access to client requests along with other middleware in the system. It is responsible for a number of alterations as well, including the setting of all functions inside Express.js.


Express.js comes with the best routing settings within the JavaScript library. The routing setup used by ExpressJS can help preserve the webpage through the use of URLs. The Routing mechanism is even better than some other frameworks working on JavaScript.


Debugging is a crucial step for developing applications on the web and successfully routing them. Express.js comes with a powerful debugging engine, which can make debugging a lot easier than it is on other platforms. The debugging mechanism on the framework can help remove bugs from exact parts in the application without disturbing the overall setting.


ExpressJS helps provide engines for templating. These engines are used to create dynamic templates for users that they can use to create the server-side of their HTML website. The HTML templates on the server side can help developers during the start of the journey and can provide suitable outcomes.

Comparing Express.js with Node.js and Angular.js

There are subtle differences between all three of Express.js, Node.js and Angular.js. We explore these differences in the pointers below:

  • js is meant for both frontend and backend work on an application. Express.js works on the backend, while Angular.js works on the frontend of the application. What this means is that both Express.js and Angular.js specialize in their offerings, while Node.js is a general framework.
  • js was built on Google’s V8 JS engine. Express.js is meant for Node.js, while Anular.js was built by Google for web app development.
  • js is an amalgamation of different programming languages, which is why it can be a bit hard to get a grip off. The programming languages in play here include JavaScript, C and C++. Express.js is written using just JavaScript. Angular.js is similar to Express.js here as well since it is written through JavaScript.
  • js is not solely a web framework, while Express.js and Angular.js both specifically operate as web frameworks.
  • Developers working on Node.js install the entire system on their computer to use it. Developers working on Express.js need to install the system for Express.js alongside that for Node.js. On the flip side, developers for Angular.js don’t need to install anything.
  • Both Node.js and Express.js are suited for server-side applications. On the contrary, Angular.js is meant for high-scale business projects.
  • js and Express.js are compatible with almost all major operating systems and solutions in the industry today. Angular.js is a bit more advanced here and is compatible with EVERY known browser on the web.
  • All three of Node.js, Express.js and Angular.js can support MVC architecture.
  • js and Express.js are ideal for writing database queries. Angular.js comes without any features for writing database queries. Programmers can also write database queries through Express.js because it is based on NodeJS.

Advantages of Express.js

We now look at some of the known advantages of Express.js.

  • js is fairly easy to learn in comparison to other solutions. The learning curve is easier on Express.js.
  • Frontend developers working on Express.js can find simple solutions using it.
  • Web developers can use the combination of Express.js and Node.js for both frontend and backend solutions.
  • The JavaScript code on Express.js is run through the powerful V8 engine of Node.js. The code is hence implemented at a rapid pace.

We now know that Express.js can be customized to user interests and is a simple framework to work on. The information in this article will act as your guide as you step into the future.