
Web Application Development: A Detailed Guide

In 2021 it was reported that only 12 percent of executive management teams are tech savvy. With that in mind, one thing that many companies are trying to do today is web application development, but how does it work?

Web application development is a great way to showcase your skillset and it can also add a unique value point to your company that your competitors may not have.

However, this doesn’t necessarily mean that every company knows what web app development is or knows how to complete it. The good news is that at Programmers.io, we have gone into detail about website application development.

So if you would like to learn everything you need to know about web app development, including how it’s done, then keep reading.

What Is Web Application Development? 

Before we jump into the ‘how to’ side of web application development, let’s cover what it is first. We have provided a more detailed insight into app development below.

Web application development is the process of creating interactive programs that run on web servers and are accessed through a web browser. Web app development is similar to mobile app development however, it is in a web-based format.

Web apps have both front-end and back-end web development technologies. They also operate in a slightly different way than normal websites. This means that they can show up differently on devices and they may also have different features.

What Does Web App Development Consist Of?

The process for how web development application works can sound complicated. While there are a few different aspects to it, you can break it down into smaller parts.

There are two key parts to web application development. The first one is front-end development and the second one is back-end development.

Front-end development is the part that users interact with, and it will have a front-end roadmap. This roadmap will act as a plan for all of the different setups within the web app, like HTML and JavaScript.

The front end will also have its own sets of frameworks and libraries that can be used as a guide and followed where necessary during the development process.

As well as front-end development, there is also back-end development. The back-end development is the area that users will not see or interact with. However, it is responsible for making sure that data gets stored and arranged properly.

While it can sound like both front-end development and back-end development are complex, there is more information available on the internet about how to use both front-end and back-end.

The 7 Step Process for Setting up Web Application Development

Now that we have covered front-end and back-end development, it’s time to cover the steps for setting up a web application. The web app development process can be broken down into 7 main steps.

1. Problem Solving

Web application development is about problem-solving, so you need to get specific about what problem you are solving by developing a web app. When starting, the more specific you can be about the problem, the better.

2. Set up a Work Plan 

Setting up a work plan is crucial. If no key tasks are set out, the development process is not clear and is unlikely to be completed.

3. Turn Your Work Plan Into a Wireframe

The wireframe acts as a form of communication between the web developer and the end user. The end user can use the wireframe to give feedback on the web application as it’s being developed.

4. Choosing Your Tools 

To set up your web app, you need to use set tools. This is to ensure that the app gets developed properly.

5. Building the Web Application

This is the stage where you build your front-end and back-end development. You will also need to set up your database so you can specify the type of data that you will be storing.

6. Test Your Application 

The next step is testing your application. This ensures that everything is in working order and there are no issues.

7. Host Your Web Application 

To complete the last step, you need to choose a server and a domain. You will also need a cloud hosting provider. Once this is done, you can start hosting your web application successfully.

The Benefits of Web Application Development 

Many people don’t realize that there are lots of benefits to web application development. We have covered some of the top benefits below.

More Manageable 

Perhaps one of the biggest benefits of using website application development is that it is easily managed. Because web apps only need to be installed on the server, this takes the pressure away from the end user workstation.

Not only this but updating and maintaining the system becomes easier because of the simplicity of web app development.

Reduces Running Costs

Another benefit of using web application software development is that it reduces running costs. Of course, if your company is aiming to make as much profit as possible, then having web apps that don’t cost much is going to help.

The web app development costs less because there is less of a requirement for the end-user system so there isn’t the same need for support and maintenance.

Cross-Platform Compatibility 

Cross-platform compatibility allows the web app to be accessed and used across multiple platforms. You can choose which platforms you would like it to be compatible with.

This is different from older installed software, which is normally more limited and can only be accessed by some internet web browsers and servers. Many people choose web app development because of cross-platform compatibility.

Final Word

If you aren’t familiar with web application development, then we have experts that can help. At Programmers.io, we have a wide range of highly skilled professionals who have an in-depth knowledge of all aspects of web app development.

If you would like to learn more about how we can support you, or if you want friendly expert advice, hire us today.