Vue vs React

Vue vs React:  Quick Comparison of the Best JavaScript Frameworks

Developers have a few options for frameworks when developing JavaScript web applications, but nothing works quite like React and Vue. These are the two most popular options for building stunning apps. However, deciding between them can be difficult.

These frameworks share several similarities but differ in use cases and business needs. So, which one should you choose for your app development project? Perhaps the best way to find out is through a Vue vs React comparison.

After briefly covering the history of both React and Vue, we’ll explore each framework, covering its benefits, the top brands that have used it, and its limitations. We’ll also help you choose the right one for your development needs.

History of Vue vs React

It is important to provide some background on the origins of React and Vue before we do the Vue vs React comparison by covering the different aspects of each. Here is a brief history of Vue.js vs.React, starting with the former.

Brief History of Vue

Angular was the go-to framework for most developers working with JavaScript applications until the early 2010s, but in 2014, a former Google employee decided to develop something more flexible—and Vue.js was born.

Created by Evan You to make it easier and more flexible for developers to build web applications and interfaces, Vue has been released in several versions, with Vue 1.0.0 being the first one and Vue 3.4 being the latest version.

Over the years, companies have chosen to hire Vue.js developers who work with Vue over other frameworks including React because of its robust features, flexibility, and easy-to-use nature.

Brief History of React

Unlike Vue, React is developed for a specific use case: developing web applications with a strong Facebook interface. As an open-source JavaScript library, it has far more uses than just supporting Facebook’s internal functions (now Meta).

The reason for its popularity and wide use is that it allows business that hire React js Development Company to build interactive UIs and create single-page applications without breaking a sweat. And the best thing is that its application is not limited to web development—it can also assist with Android and iOS mobile application development through the React Native framework.

With the history of Vue and React covered, we can now move on to the Vue vs React comparison, starting with an in-depth look into Vue frameworks.

What Is Vue?

To do a proper Vue.js vs React comparison and comprehensively understand these two most popular front-end frameworks, we must look deep into each framework, starting with its description and then covering relevant stats, its benefits, the top brands using the framework, and its limitations.

A simple description of Vue is an open-source frontend framework that developers can use to build JavaScript web user interfaces and applications. It is also the perfect learning tool for developers who want to get acquainted with mobile development and single-page applications. But the benefits are not limited to this for a Vue js Development Company and the businesses that hire it.

Stats of Vue

Here are some key statistics relating to the use of Vue:

  • 9% of all websites today use the Vue.js framework
  • 1% of all websites using JavaScript libraries using Vue
  • More than 95% of the websites that use Vue.js use the version 2 of the framework
  • Vue ranks fifth amongst the top 1 million websites using JavaScript libraries
  • There are more than fifteen million active Vue websites today.

Benefits of Vue

When comparing Vue.js vs. react, one of the most important things to consider is the benefits of each. Although the Vue framework was launched a decade ago, it remains popular among developers.

The reason is simple—Vue offers them with the speed and simplicity they need to create robust and high-performing web applications and UIs in JavaScript. Here is a brief look into all the main benefits that Vue.js provides a Vue js Development Company:

  • Simplicity: The number one reason developers prefer Vue over React and other JavaScript frameworks is that the simplicity or ease-of-use it offers. The simple structure and plain syntax of the framework makes iteasy for developers to write code.
  • A Range of Plugins: It is simple for company that hire Vue js developers to add extra functionalities to web applications when using Vue.js as the framework’s JavaScript library comes with a whole host of plugins they can use.
  • Ideal for Beginners: Beginner programmers will find Vue.js as the ideal framework when working on small projects they are typically assigned to. It is easy to learn and can help beginners speed up the development process.
  • A Large and Active Community: There is no shortage of support, tutorials, or plugins for Vue developers as there is a large and active community that is ready to provide all the Vue development assistance you need.
  • Easy Integration: Another major benefit of using Vue for developing JavaScript web UIs and applications is that it can easily integrate with other libraries and projects. It means that developers do not have to do complete rewrite of the code to add Vue to existing applications. They can simply choose from a selection of ready-made components to quickly add to the project.

All these benefits make Vue.js one of the standout JavaScript frameworks for a front-end development company looking to build strong and high-performing applications.

Top Brands That Have Used Vue.js for Their App Development

A Vue vs React is not complete without mentioning the top brands that have used each framework for their app development. We start with Vue.js. Here are the most well-known companies that have used Vue in their development process:

  • Adobe Portfolio
  • GitLab
  • Trivago
  • Nintendo
  • Behance
  • Upwork

Limitations of Vue

While Vue frameworks have several benefits for developers, there are a few limitations or cons to consider as well. These include the following:

  • Frequent Updates: If you’re a beginner, you may not enjoy the constant updates with Vue, as it can make learning and exploring the framework challenging.
  • Issues with Mobile Support: A major disadvantage of Vue is that apps developed using this framework are often plagued with compatibility issues, which can be a major headache for developers working with it.
  • Language Barriers: You would expect a widely used development framework to have documentation that is usable by all users but that is not always the case with Vue.js. The reason is that the framework was created to serve a largely Chinese audience and many of the tutorials and documentation in the library have not been translated to English.

What is React?

We now move on to the second framework in the Vue vs React comparison—React.js. It is an open-source JavaScript library and framework from Meta that allow any React js Development Company to build interactive web user interfaces and applications.

The ease with which React can help create user interfaces makes it ideal for custom software and single-page applications. It also has several mobile-friendly components that make it a good choice to hire React js Company for creating Android and iOS mobile applications.

Stats of React

  • Here are some key statistics relating to the use of React:
  • 3% of all websites today use the React.js framework.
  • 3% of all websites use JavaScript libraries using React.
  • The React frontend technology is the second most popular in the world.
  • There are over 13 million active React.js websites today.

Benefits of React

Here are all the main benefits of hiring a React js Development Company:

  • Simple UI Development: React is simpler to use than other frontend libraries or frameworks as its lifecycle is well-defined with a component-based approach. Another thing that adds to the framework’s uniqueness is its JSX syntax, which lets developers use both HTML and JavaScript.
  • Improved Web Application Performance: Developers can easily improve the performance of a web application when working with React as it uses virtual DOM that can assist with XML, HTML, or XHTML. They can directly update code in memory where the virtual DOM resides to ensure a high performing app.
  • Large Community: Like Vue, React has a large and active community of more than 14 million developers who can provide support to any developer who needs help with the technology.
  • Components That Are Reusable: Developers can execute small lines of HTML code that are reusable using the different components—each with unique controls and logic—when using React.js. It makes it simple to develop and maintain a web application.
  • SEO-Friendly: React.js is a rare SEO-friendly JavaScript framework. While React is used on the server side, the Virtual DOM uses Next.js script’s support to show as a regular web page on the browser.

Top Brands That Have Used React.js for Their App Development

Here are the most well-known companies that have used React in their development process

  • Twitter
  • Facebook (Meta)
  • Airbnb
  • Dropbox
  • Netflix
  • Paypal
  • Walmart

Limitations of React

React frameworks have several benefits, but they are not without a few drawbacks or limitations. Here are some of the main limitations or cons of React.js:

  • Continuous Updates: Like Vue, React updates frequently and this can overwhelm some developers. They may want to take their time understanding a specific version of the technology and the constant updates will make it hard for them to stay up to date and learn how to work with the framework.
  • Code Complexity: The JSX syntax may be a Godsend for some developers, but many inexperienced coders see it as a drawback of the technology. They find it too complex and challenging to understand, making it difficult to work with React.
  • Is Dependent on Other Platforms: Some people may view React as a framework but the truth is that it is a UI library. Due to this, the technology focuses mainly on the UI layers of an application. It means that developers need to use other technologies in addition to React to design a full-stack web app.

Vue vs React: Key Similarities

A Vue vs React comparison can never be complete without discussing the key similarities and differences between these two most popular front-end frameworks. We start with the similarities. Here is a table showing the similarities between Vue frameworks and React frameworks.

A JavaScript BaseVue and React have the same JavaScript base for robust, interactive, and high-performing web applications
PWA SupportDevelopers can build progressive web apps (PWA) using Vue or React to offer users a native-like experience.
Highly-Interactive UIDevelopers can use both React and Vue frameworks to build highly interactive user interfaces as these technologies support virtual DOM.
TypescriptAnother similarity between React and Vue is that they both support Typescript and its data flow for coding.

Vue vs React: Key Differences

We now move onto the key differences between Vue frameworks and React frameworks:

Application SizeYou can compress code in Vue.js to reduce application size.Not possible to compress code.
SpeedApplications run quickly in Vue due to its efficient default library, making it easy to build most applications.You need to download additional libraries with React, which will keep increasing application size as new features as added.
ScalingThe top choice for developing simple and fast web applications.The preferred option when large and complex applications need to be developed.
Mobile DevelopmentVue does not have a native mobile app development solution and uses Alibaba’s mobile UI framework Weex to build mobile apps.The React Native framework allows developers to build native applications for Android and iOS users.

When to Use Vue vs React?

We end the Vue vs React comparison by discussing when you should use each.

Use Vue.js vs React If You:

  • Are assigned a small project that you want to complete quickly
  • Want to improve an existing app’s functionality without compromising its scalability
  • Are looking to create react single page applications (React SPAs)

Use React vs Vue If You:

  • Want to create an application with eye-catching features and incredibly responsive user-interface (UI)
  • Want to simplify your project by using several tools and libraries
  • Need to build a large-scale and complex application in a limited time.

React vs Vue: Which is The Best for Front-end Development in 2024

As we end the comparison, you may want to know which one is the best option for front-end Development Company in 2024. It will depend on your needs and what each framework can offer in terms of functionality and benefits to meet them. So, choose wisely and you will ensure the success of your development project.


 This Vue vs React comparison does not provide a clear winner as both React and Vue frameworks are great options for JavaScript programming. Both offer a lot in terms of features and performance but if there was one thing that could separate them, it would probably be the ability to develop mobile applications, where React.js has a major advantage.

Nevertheless, both these frameworks are excellent for building interactive and high-performing JavaScript applications. If you’re looking for a development company with experienced and skilled developers, can help you meet your needs. Get in touch with us today to hire skilled developers without exceeding your budget.