Microservices Architecture

Best Technologies for Mircroservices Architecture Development

App development is easier when the application is divided into microservices or microservices architecture. Business requirements today demand complex applications that involve tedious and longer processes of development. In this case, the large applications can be segregated into smaller services. The micro services architecture has many benefits apart from simplifying the development process. It also ensures proper testing and divides the system into single independent processes avoiding the traditional architecture. The genuine need of latest microservices architecture came into existence because heavy applications can easily crash using the monolithic architecture. Also, even for a small change the entire application needs to undergo change unlike in the microservices architecture when only a small portion must undergo the change.

Technology for microservices architecture development

The next thing to consider is the technology used for building the microservices architecture. There are many options and we will cover some of the best in a list below. We have also included detailed information about which technology suits your microservices architecture development.

1. Java

When it comes to application development technology, JAVA is the first on most lists. Java is a great programming language for developing microservices because of its easy annotation syntax. This feature makes Java Microservices much easier to develop when powered by Microservices frameworks. While working with complex systems, Java programming offers more value in readability. Java is a good choice because it offers a user Interface, model components as well as connectivity to back-end resources.

Java EE standards for microservices development:

  • JAX-RS for APIs
  • JPA for data handling
  • CDI for dependency injection & lifecycle management

Java Frameworks for microservices development:

Spring boot

Spring boot has around 57% of the market share and is a mature, open-source, feature-rich framework with excellent documentation and a huge community


It is mostly used by developers to build RESTful web services. It provides better performance for microservices architecture development.

Eclipse Microprofile

Eclipse Microsprofile is specifically focused on creating a standard API for microservices in Java.

Spark – It is considered as one of the best Java Microservices frameworks, supports creating web apps in Java 8 and Kotlin with minimum complexities.

2. Python

Frameworks for Python are also a very good option for microservices development. Python is a high-level programming language that provides active support for integration with various technologies. It is widely used in creating various applications or programs that help in data analysis. Python is strongly recommended because prototyping in Python is faster and easier when compared to other frameworks and languages. Python even ensures compatibility with legacy languages like ASP and PHP, which allows you to create web service front-ends to host Microservices.

Developers who implement Microservices Python, use a RESTful API approach. With this technology, it becomes easier to monitor the application since it is now broken into components.

Many frameworks are available for you to choose from, here are a few:

Flask – Flask is the most widely used Python Micro framework based on Jinja2 and Werkzeug. It holds its importance because it is lightweight and non-intrusive.

Django– Django is another useful Python micro framework. In this, developers get templating, routing, forms, authentication, and management tools by default. This saves a lot of time and cost.

Pyramid– Pyramid is a hybrid of Flask and Django. It provides services which are lacking in other frameworks. One of the key differences from Django is that Pyramid provides ample guidance for file bundling.

Falcom – Falcom is mainly focused on quality control. With WSGI compliance, it’s made for compatibility with numerous servers and platforms. It is OS agnostic and offers framework flexibility.

3. .Net

The .Net framework has been an essential framework whenever there is a requirement for web development. It makes it simple to build the APIs that become the microservices. It includes built-in Docker containers that help in building microservices. .Net comes with APIs that can simply inherit .Net microservices without entirely changing that application. .Net Docker images are already available on Docker Hub, helping you to concentrate only on building your microservices.

The .Net microservices architecture allows a compilation of technologies between each service. This means if you want to use .Net in certain parts of the application and continue using some other technology in other parts you can do that easily. It is extremely simple to combine .Net microservices with applications written in Java, Node JS, or any other languages. This allows a gradual migration to .Net core technology. Similarly, the .Net microservices can run on all leading cloud platforms.

4. Golang

Golang is developed by Google and was launched in 2009. Originally the name is Go but it is popular as Golang because of its domain name. It is known for its concurrency and API support in terms of microservices architecture. This concurrency feature delivers increased productivity of various machines. Golang offers a crucial platform to build highly complex applications and also provides an excellent testing support.

The major two frameworks for microservices development are:

Go Micro– Go Micro is especially used for building distributed systems, RPC and event driven communications. It is popular among developers because it provides the advantages like load balancing, server packages, etc.

Go Kit – Go Kit needs to be imported into a binary package. It is a set of packages and best practices, which provide a strong, comprehensive platform to build microservices for organizations of any size.


Microservices are important because they divide complex applications into smaller services. These smaller services can be independently tested and can undergo changes separately instead of making the changes in the entire application. The future of microservices is all about serverless architecture. It is a fabulous concept that filters the apps, products, or solutions to more granular and modular level. It is not easy to begin developing microservices from the scratch. You need an experienced development team, the right tools, and platforms for your company’s individual job. Selecting the right framework depends on your business requirements and what features you want in your application.